maandag 6 oktober 2008

No.2: Free Energy Options

  • Simple: *****
  • Effective: *****
  • Price/Quality: *****
  • Support: *****
  • Guarantee: 100% money back
Another great and user-friendly DIY guide on how to build a solar panel. Close second to Earth4Energy. All the steps to building your own environmently friendly power plant have been illustrated. Also provides very good background information.

Click on the link to get your copy of Free Energy Options and start saving money.

zondag 5 oktober 2008

No.1: Earth4Energy

  • Simple: *****
  • Effective: *****
  • Price/Quality: *****
  • Support: *****
  • Guarantee: 100% money back

Earth4Energy will show you exactly how to build your own solar panel to reduce your electricity bill by 80% or more.

Main focus is on:

-How To Build A Solar Panel At Home
-How To Build A Wind Power System At Home
-How To Store Your Energy
-How To Reduce Oil Dependence

And as a bonus:

-Ethanol as a viable energy source
-Free updates for life (very important as this concerns quickly improving technologies)
-Members area

At the moment Earth4Energy is the best ebook available on how to build a homemade solar panel. This guide has been written in plain English to keep things simple. Combined with the clear illustrations on how to build a solar panel, even the complete newbie will be generating his/her own electricity within hours.

Earth4Energy is probably the cheapest and easiest way to decrease your bills and increase you efforts to save the environment.

Click on the link to get Earth4Energy and discover the easiest how to build a solar panel guide.